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Keeping the beach spotless
It gives us no pleasure to pick up this amount of litter from our lovely island. Wouldn't it be great if we went on a litter pick and couldn't find any? Sadly we are nowhere near that at the moment. Please come along to our picks. We have fun, you'll make new friends and help to keep our island looking beautiful
A list of the Mersea picks can be found in the menu above (Litter Picks & Events). But we don't just pick on the island! We have done our annual high tide pick at the Strood. We also plan to hold a few more social nights and Mersea island's biggest EVER quiz night will be happening this Autumn. Details tba.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
The team at The Peldon Rose after the mainland Strood pick 23/02/2023
Hi - We'd like to stay in touch and let you know about our forthcoming events...